For people who want a more natural solution to correcting their vision problems, contact lenses are a convenient option. At The Optical Center, we’re here to provide you with the exams and contact lens options you need to ensure comfortable, effective vision correction. No matter what your prescription may be or what aesthetic most appeals to you, we’ll help you get the custom contacts in Grand Junction, Clifton, Redlands, Mesa County, and Fruita, CO you’re looking for.
Our widespread capabilities make us the number one destination for prescription contacts in the area. Whether you need to have your prescription adjusted or you’re looking for a different type of contacts to better suit your lifestyle, we’re here to help. Check out our services:
Contact exams
Even if you already have custom contacts and know your prescription, we can test it to make sure it’s accurate. Often, your contact prescription level can change over time, making it a good idea to re-test for accuracy. We’ll also assess the type of vision impairment you have, to help narrow the scope of contact lens options. We frequently help sufferers of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism to get the best prescription possible through contact exam evaluations.
Hard-to-fit contacts
If your vision suffers from certain afflictions, contacts may be irritating or uncomfortable. Chronic dry eyes, GPC, astigmatism, keratoconus and other issues rule out many general contact solutions. We work with you to find prescription contacts in Grand Junction, CO that accommodate these conditions. We have solutions like gas-permeable lenses, toric lenses and multifocal lenses available to give you the clear vision you need, without irritating your condition.
Cosmetic lenses
Cosmetic lenses can be a simple way to change the appearance of your eyes. For people with heterochromia or other iris conditions, cosmetic lenses allow the wearer to pick the color that best suits them.
If you want to explore the many benefits of custom contacts over glasses or have a condition that demands a certain type of lens, contact us or visit The Optical Center today to get more information about your options for prescription contacts, eyeglasses, or sunglasses.